What is a bank guarantee
A bank guarantee is one of the types of risk insurance in bringing deals. The essence of such insurance is that a bank, an insurance company or another legal entity…

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Famous people who made a hobby their profession
“Do what you like and you never have to work” is a truth that remains outside of time and location. To some, it seems to be unattainable, and someone has…

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How to get rid of debt
Sometimes it comes to the banal: I want ice cream (for example, I have a dime in my wallet, my salary is in a few days), because you can wait…

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How to choose an idea for a home business

Have their own, albeit small, but stable business many dream. Working for hire, we always depend on the mood of our bosses, on financial and legal factors affecting the activities of the organization where we work. We may face dismissal on the reduction of personnel or bankruptcy of the enterprise. Having started our own business, we gain independence, but at the same time responsibility for our financial condition, and psychological comfort. Continue reading

How to calculate the cost of production
The cost in the classical sense refers to the amount of costs incurred by the company for the production (production) and sales (cost of sales) of its products. The sum…


What is a bank guarantee
A bank guarantee is one of the types of risk insurance in bringing deals. The essence of such insurance is that a bank, an insurance company or another legal entity…


Where to find and how to get the most favorable loan
Surely, each of us asked this question at least once in life, because an unforeseen personal or family budget may need the money at any time - for repairs, recreation,…
