online store

Business Rules
Business correspondence in the modern world is a very important type of communication in the commercial and business environment. In essence, this is correspondence in a semi-official format among enterprises…

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How to calculate the cost of production
The cost in the classical sense refers to the amount of costs incurred by the company for the production (production) and sales (cost of sales) of its products. The sum…

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Application of disciplinary action
The procedure for the application of disciplinary sanctions is regulated by labor law, therefore, each employee must understand whether the employer has the right to apply this or that disciplinary…

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Typical mistakes novice entrepreneurs

In an interview, Radislav Gandapas (an entrepreneur with 18 years of experience, a well-known business coach) told how he once opened his business. Dear office in a new business center, a beautiful secretary, an expensive beautiful website, a chic catalog with a description of services, expensive business cards, a logo. Everything was top notch, but there was no sales. Continue reading

PR technologies and business

Public Relations (PR) – a set of actions for interacting with the public. If we talk about the business environment, it is worth saying that the role of the persons on whom PR methods are directed are: consumers of products, suppliers and business partners, the media (media), Internet communities, potential investors, and in some cases and competitors.
Do not forget that the methods of PR can be directed to both the Russian and foreign public. Continue reading

How to open an online store without investment

Everyone wants to open his own business. However, there are so many pitfalls in the organization of a business that desire quickly disappears. In addition, the question arises of the profitability of the project. MirSovetov reveal you the scheme of online business without investment.
To open your own online store, you need to have a remarkable potential: be able to program, know seo optimization, find suppliers, open an office. Continue reading

Characteristics and selection of distribution channels

The distribution channel is a complex of interrelated enterprises whose activities are aimed at organizing the process of commodity-money exchange. In other words, the distribution channel includes a certain number of companies, each of which is involved in one way or another in the chain of movement of goods from the place of its production to the end user. Continue reading

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Packaging and labeling of goods
Trademarks appeared when it became necessary to separate manufacturers and sellers. Today, they perform the same function, denoting quality standards and features of the functional characteristics of goods manufactured under…


PR technologies and business
Public Relations (PR) - a set of actions for interacting with the public. If we talk about the business environment, it is worth saying that the role of the persons…


How to get a loan deferment
Banks overdue loans are not profitable This is exactly what almost all representatives of banking institutions say when it comes to loans. The situation is such that in the event…
