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Goals and objectives of marketing activities

The goals and objectives of marketing activities echo the overall goals and objectives of the enterprise. Marketing activities should contribute to the development of the enterprise in the chosen direction, so its goals are a direct reflection of the company’s overall mission.
Marketing objectives
Goals and objectives of marketing Goals of marketing can be qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative goals are very difficult to measure using any indicator. For quality goals include:
creating a favorable image of the company;
the most complete satisfaction of existing needs;
informing consumers about goods and services;
caring for the environment;
creation of favorable conditions for the sale of goods, etc.
Quantitative goals have a clear measurement in arbitrary units and the results of their achievement can be easily calculated using certain indicators.
Quantitative goals include:
sales growth;
revenue growth;
profit growth;
increase production;
cost reduction, etc.
An enterprise may have one or more goals. The main thing is that there should be a connection between the chosen directions of development and they should not contradict each other.
Tasks of marketing activities, examples
Goals and objectives of marketing The tasks of marketing are derived from the goals and are a set of sequential actions that a firm must perform in order to achieve the intended results.
For example, setting goals and objectives consider the activities of three organizations: the company “A”, the company “B” and the company “C”.
1. Firm “A”.
Firm “A” acts as an intermediary (franchisee) between the developer of software products on the 1C platform and end users. The range and pricing policy are strictly determined by the developer, and firm “A” is not entitled to change it. At the same time with the firm “A” on the regional market there are several other developer partners that are competitors.
The market share of the firm “A” is not large enough, as we would like. The degree of fame of the company “A” is also relatively small.
From above, we can formulate the following objectives of the company “A”:
Expansion of market share.
Creating a competitive advantage.
To achieve the goals presented, the following tasks need to be addressed:
Increase consumer awareness of the activities of the company.
Competent organization of service.
Search for new customer needs and opportunities to meet them.
Search for new activities.
Organization of public relations.
2. Firm “B”.
Firm B is a retailer of women’s shoes. Firm “B” declares a special quality of its products and sets the appropriate prices for it. The degree of fame of the company “B” is quite large, the market share is small. There are many competitors on the market that offer shoes at relatively low prices.
Based on the above factors, you can formulate the following objectives of marketing activities:
Creating a positive image of the company.
The development of new market niches.
To achieve these goals it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
Development of an advertising company.
Motivation of sales staff to successful sales.
Participation in thematic exhibitions and fairs.
Establishing public relations.
Revision of pricing policy.
The organization of sales and periodic offer of shoes at reduced prices.
Analysis of the range and its optimization.
3. Firm “B”.
Firm “B” is a manufacturer of spare parts for the order. There are practically no competitors. The main consumers are manufacturing enterprises. Market share is small, customer awareness is sufficient. Sales volumes are falling. Production costs per unit are increasing.
Based on the above, we can formulate the following objectives of marketing activities in relation to the company “B”:
Increase revenue and total sales.
Positive positioning of the company.
To achieve these goals it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
Analysis of the range and its optimization.
Sale of goods, stale in warehouses.
Search for ways to reduce production costs.
Search for new sales channels.
Revision of pricing and price increases.
Caring for the environment.
Creating a trusting relationship with the public.
Participation in thematic exhibitions and fairs.
The examples of the formulation of goals and objectives for firms with different specific activities, do not act as models.

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