Analysis of balance sheet liquidity
The liquidity of the balance is estimated on the basis of form No. 1 of the accounting statements “Balance sheet”.Indicators for analyzing balance sheet liquidity. In order to analyze the…

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What name to give the restaurant?
The names of catering establishments are in any case rather difficult to somehow classify, but in the case of restaurants everything is much more complicated. Unlike signs at small points…

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Logistic features of sales organization
From a marketing point of view, logistics is a system of interrelated functions, the performance of which makes the process of distribution of goods the most optimal. The essence of…

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customers of the company

Ways to increase the credibility of the site or online store
1) Customer Reviews The most banal thing - the availability of reviews from existing customers. If we are talking about an online store, then it can be reviews that registered…


What name to give the restaurant?
The names of catering establishments are in any case rather difficult to somehow classify, but in the case of restaurants everything is much more complicated. Unlike signs at small points…


Typical mistakes novice entrepreneurs
In an interview, Radislav Gandapas (an entrepreneur with 18 years of experience, a well-known business coach) told how he once opened his business. Dear office in a new business center,…
