Logistic features of sales organization
From a marketing point of view, logistics is a system of interrelated functions, the performance of which makes the process of distribution of goods the most optimal. The essence of…

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Which CMS to choose for an online store
In this article we will give recommendations when choosing a CMS and all the real pros and cons of different systems. There are different opinions on this matter, especially the…

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How to become a web designer
Before becoming a web designer, almost every beginner has a lot of questions. What knowledge is needed, what programs to start working with, how to become a professional in your…

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open days

PR technologies and business

Public Relations (PR) – a set of actions for interacting with the public. If we talk about the business environment, it is worth saying that the role of the persons on whom PR methods are directed are: consumers of products, suppliers and business partners, the media (media), Internet communities, potential investors, and in some cases and competitors.
Do not forget that the methods of PR can be directed to both the Russian and foreign public. Continue reading

Enterprise Opportunity Analysis
The information obtained in the course of factorial market research shows what problems exist in the activities of the company, and allows us to formulate proposals for their solution. However,…


How to get a loan deferment
Banks overdue loans are not profitable This is exactly what almost all representatives of banking institutions say when it comes to loans. The situation is such that in the event…


Where to find and how to get the most favorable loan
Surely, each of us asked this question at least once in life, because an unforeseen personal or family budget may need the money at any time - for repairs, recreation,…
