Application of disciplinary action
The procedure for the application of disciplinary sanctions is regulated by labor law, therefore, each employee must understand whether the employer has the right to apply this or that disciplinary…

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Consumer and Needs Research
All activities of the organization are primarily aimed at meeting the needs of the target audience. The purchasers of an enterprise can be individuals and families, as well as other…

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How energy audit will save production money
“Saving is the second profit,” says the irrefutable thesis of a market economy. In energy-intensive industries, where the share of energy consumption in the cost of production is five percent…

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round tables

PR technologies and business

Public Relations (PR) – a set of actions for interacting with the public. If we talk about the business environment, it is worth saying that the role of the persons on whom PR methods are directed are: consumers of products, suppliers and business partners, the media (media), Internet communities, potential investors, and in some cases and competitors.
Do not forget that the methods of PR can be directed to both the Russian and foreign public. Continue reading

Deposits with interest capitalization
A deposit is the least profitable financial instrument, but at the same time the least risky. If you keep deposits in different currencies and more or less stable banks (no…


No longer fiction: future professions
Five years ago, a number of modern professions were beyond reality. But technologies are rapidly advancing, and their development gives rise to unusual activities. Learn new or stay true to…


Characteristics and selection of distribution channels
The distribution channel is a complex of interrelated enterprises whose activities are aimed at organizing the process of commodity-money exchange. In other words, the distribution channel includes a certain number…
