Ways to increase the credibility of the site or online store
1) Customer Reviews The most banal thing - the availability of reviews from existing customers. If we are talking about an online store, then it can be reviews that registered…

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Packaging and labeling of goods
Trademarks appeared when it became necessary to separate manufacturers and sellers. Today, they perform the same function, denoting quality standards and features of the functional characteristics of goods manufactured under…

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How to get rid of debt
Sometimes it comes to the banal: I want ice cream (for example, I have a dime in my wallet, my salary is in a few days), because you can wait…

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classification characteristics of the range

Criteria for an ideal business niche
1. "High Resolution" Here we are talking about your “resolution” in this niche, that is, about your level of understanding, your experience, knowledge. For example, if you enjoy your entire…


Characteristics and selection of distribution channels
The distribution channel is a complex of interrelated enterprises whose activities are aimed at organizing the process of commodity-money exchange. In other words, the distribution channel includes a certain number…


Cost accounting methods
So, the main methods of accounting for material and intangible costs that are used by Russian companies are: Process method Custom method. Sequential method. Regulatory method. World companies use several…
