Application of disciplinary action
The procedure for the application of disciplinary sanctions is regulated by labor law, therefore, each employee must understand whether the employer has the right to apply this or that disciplinary…

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How to implement BI analytics
In order to figure out how to implement a business analyst, you need to understand how to work with it as a whole. BI is software and applications for working…

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Deposits with interest capitalization
A deposit is the least profitable financial instrument, but at the same time the least risky. If you keep deposits in different currencies and more or less stable banks (no…

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Trust management
Where and how to place your money is a very important question for any person who has it. As a rule, only a placement of money can be considered successful,…


Business on a laser machine
Production on a laser machine is a craft on which you can build a successful business. What can not be done without at the initial stage and what products are…


Which CMS to choose for an online store
In this article we will give recommendations when choosing a CMS and all the real pros and cons of different systems. There are different opinions on this matter, especially the…
