How to open your business
1 step. Idea Every businessman should have an idea, otherwise what business can we talk about? It is not necessary to invent something new and supernatural, you can take an…

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How to open your business

1 step. Idea
Every businessman should have an idea, otherwise what business can we talk about? It is not necessary to invent something new and supernatural, you can take an existing idea and find in it the disadvantages that can be improved. It is much easier to launch a product or service on a formed market than to create a new one!

2 step. Market analysis
After determining the business idea, it is necessary to analyze the current position of the market. How much your product or service will be in demand and for which target audience.

Also, market analysis will provide an opportunity to see the quality, prices and customer service of your future competitors.

3 step. Planning
Create a business plan and write down:
– Costs;
– Promotion strategies;
– Prices for goods / services;
– Planned income.

This makes it easier for you to store information and easier to set goals and objectives.

4 step. Business registration
Depending on your field of activity, it is possible to use LLC or SP.

5 step. Taxes and Reporting
Decide what taxation system you will work on, the amount of tax and the method of payment will depend on it.

6 step. Testing the idea
At this stage, you need to make a test sale of your product or service, spending the minimum amount of money on advertising. Testing will help to feel the demand in practice.

7 step. Business development
After the adjusted plan and test sales, it is necessary to carry out the following work based on your field of activity:
– Improving the site;
– staff expansion;
– Increase warehouse.

8 step. Scaling
After successful development of your business in one city, you can try to expand the geography, or master a funny direction.

Do you sell digital equipment? Open repair service
Business Performance Parameters
– If the net profit has strayed from the zero mark (excluding taxes and equipment), then the money generation goes and the business keeps afloat. If below zero, then perhaps additional investments are needed.
– If sales are planned for 500,000, and the figures are about 100,000, then it’s time to revise the work and sales plan.

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