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Assortment policy of the enterprise

Since the assortment is a group of goods, before considering its concept, it is necessary to analyze the product classification. All products that make up the market can be divided into several categories depending on various signs.
Assortment policy of the enterprise

The assortment policy of the enterprise gives a general idea of ​​the classification of goods. In a broader sense of the breakdown of goods into groups, you can apply the classification method based on consumer preferences. In this regard, distinguish consumer goods, goods of preliminary choice and goods of special demand. Everyday goods are distinguished by the fact that customers buy them almost every day, without making any special comparisons between competing brands. Purchase of pre-selected items is carefully planned in advance, taking into account their characteristics. Products of special demand have unique properties that are unique to this brand, and in this regard, the buyer makes great efforts to become the owner of this particular product.
For the production of the above products, enterprises purchase industrial goods, the totality of which creates a special product offer.
Given the above, we can conclude that each company makes a decision as to what goods it will fill in its own range, depending on their consumer properties and target audience.
The range of products is a collection of products with similar individual properties that ensure the realization of their functional purpose and create a storefront of the enterprise. A well-designed assortment helps to satisfy consumer needs in the most qualitative way and thereby make the result of achieving the main goal of the company’s strategy the highest.
The range is formed under the influence of various factors, including demand, profitability and production base of the enterprise.
Methods of dividing the goods into groups determine the classification characteristics of the range, through which there is a logical distribution of goods.
Assortment classification is illustrated in table 1.
The essence of the range
1. By market orientation
1.1. Shopping Designed to meet the needs and requirements of end users
1.2. Production Formed as an offer to industrial enterprises for the production of goods by them, representing the trading range
2. By time parameters
2.1. Planned Represents a projected list of products for market entry.
2.2. Real Available for a given period of time
3. On individual properties of goods
3.1. Deployed is made up of several types of goods
3.2. Companion Performs a group containing products with auxiliary functions.
3.3. Mixed Includes features of an expanded and related assortment
Forming the range, it is necessary to consider the following indicators:
The structure of the range – the percentage of the planned product groups to the total number of goods;
The breadth of the range – the total number of product groups;
The completeness of the range – the ratio of the actual amount of goods in stock to the demand for them and the predicted composition of the assortment groups;
The depth of the range – the number of types and modifications of each product unit;
The stability of the range – the characteristic of the actual availability of goods of the relevant group;
The novelty of the range is the addition of the existing range of new items.
Formation of the range is inseparable from the assortment policy, which is one of the main areas of marketing activity in the enterprise. The aim of the assortment policy is the optimization of the assortment and its orientation towards the greatest satisfaction of the needs existing in the market. In order to achieve the established goal, an analysis is carried out, evaluating the indicators of costs and profitability for each nomenclature position. It is the evaluation of financial investments and monetary results that is the main parameter that determines the profitability of changing the existing range.
Summarizing the above, you can define the assortment policy as a set of methods and actions aimed at developing a range of products that meets the needs of the market, but brings the maximum income of the company through the use of limited resources.
The assortment policy is designed to make the assortment market-oriented and create positive prospects for the development of production.
Assortment optimization

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