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Logistic features of sales organization

From a marketing point of view, logistics is a system of interrelated functions, the performance of which makes the process of distribution of goods the most optimal.
The essence of logistics and functions
Logistic features of the organization of sales As functions, the totality of which is the essence of logistics, can be called:
Planning sales.
Forecasting production needs for raw materials, labor, material, financial and other types of resources.
Supply planning and selection of suppliers.
Transportation of goods.
Tracking the dynamics of demand.
Formation of inventories.
After-sales service.
Effective implementation of the above functions ensures the achievement of the main goal of logistics, which is the timely delivery of goods to a predetermined location, using minimal costs.
Logistics problems
Logistics features of sales organization One of the key problems of logistics is the warehousing of products. Nowadays, more and more enterprises adhere to the Japanese system “Kann Ban” in this question, i.e. they produce products “to order”. This approach to the storage of goods minimizes the need for premises and does not allow excess product stale in warehouses. But such a warehousing strategy requires high production capacity in order to ensure high efficiency of the company’s response to received applications. Another disadvantage of this system is the need to develop a long-term marketing program. This is due to the fact that in the market, preference is given to those goods that are shipped immediately after ordering, and not forcing the buyer to wait while going to production.
Logistical features of the organization of sales Before you designate the structure of the logistics system of the enterprise, you should explore the following indicators:
The number and types of warehouses. Their geographical location and estimated capacity.
Types of products, raw materials and other inventories that will be stored.
The maximum and minimum quantity of each type of goods that should be in stock.
The need for access to warehouses of third parties.
To date, the storage system has become fully automated. With the help of software, applications of customers are transferred to warehouses, in accordance with which the volume of products sold is planned.
Each manufacturer must clearly understand its supply strategy, depending on the type of products and the consumer’s ability to wait. In this regard, the optimal delivery time of products is not always the shortest. The desire of the consumer to get the goods at the time of the need often refers to food products of prime necessity. For example, milk, bread and other foods should be kept in stores. Their quantity is determined on the basis of the dynamics of demand with the frequency of its daily fluctuation. The buyer is ready to wait for the goods for some time, if the ordered products have certain properties of uniqueness, special quality, prestige, etc. Such goods are not products of mass consumption and are designed for long-term use.
Types of vehicles
Logistic features of the organization of sales Another important problem in the organization of the logistics system at the enterprise is the transportation of cargo to the places of distribution and consumption. Transportation is an expensive process that requires detailed planning. Of particular importance for transportation is the transport by which products will be delivered via distribution channels.
From the point of view of logistics, all transport is divided into two large groups.
Vehicles belonging to the first group are distinguished by the fact that they can be used by any enterprises to move their goods through distribution channels. These vehicles have their own rates and speed of delivery. Transport production use moves inventories only within the enterprise between production facilities.
For the purpose of physical movement of goods through distribution channels, vehicles belonging to the first group are used.

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