Business on a laser machine
Production on a laser machine is a craft on which you can build a successful business. What can not be done without at the initial stage and what products are…

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Advertising activities at the enterprise
The main role of advertising is manifested in the fact that this communication tool is a means to consolidate market positions and develop new niches. However, for the practical implementation…

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How to open your business
1 step. Idea Every businessman should have an idea, otherwise what business can we talk about? It is not necessary to invent something new and supernatural, you can take an…

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Successful security systems

How to raise sales

Sell ​​not the properties, but the benefits of your product.
“People buy things not for the sake of the things themselves, but for the sake of what these things give them.” Dan Kennedy.
Many people know an example from Kotler’s marketing bible about holes and drills. When people buy a drill, they don’t need the drill itself. They need holes in the wall. The result, not the tool itself.
Remember, once there were slide rules and scores? Continue reading

How to implement BI analytics
In order to figure out how to implement a business analyst, you need to understand how to work with it as a whole. BI is software and applications for working…


Famous people who made a hobby their profession
“Do what you like and you never have to work” is a truth that remains outside of time and location. To some, it seems to be unattainable, and someone has…


Drawing assortment matrix
One of the features of the development of any competitive market is the reduction of marginal income received from the sale of one unit of product or service. Retail is…
