Ways to increase the credibility of the site or online store
1) Customer Reviews The most banal thing - the availability of reviews from existing customers. If we are talking about an online store, then it can be reviews that registered…

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What is a bank guarantee
A bank guarantee is one of the types of risk insurance in bringing deals. The essence of such insurance is that a bank, an insurance company or another legal entity…

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How to raise sales
Sell ​​not the properties, but the benefits of your product. "People buy things not for the sake of the things themselves, but for the sake of what these things give…

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online store in your city

How to open an online store without investment

Everyone wants to open his own business. However, there are so many pitfalls in the organization of a business that desire quickly disappears. In addition, the question arises of the profitability of the project. MirSovetov reveal you the scheme of online business without investment.
To open your own online store, you need to have a remarkable potential: be able to program, know seo optimization, find suppliers, open an office. Continue reading

Deposits with interest capitalization
A deposit is the least profitable financial instrument, but at the same time the least risky. If you keep deposits in different currencies and more or less stable banks (no…


PR technologies and business
Public Relations (PR) - a set of actions for interacting with the public. If we talk about the business environment, it is worth saying that the role of the persons…


Goals and objectives of marketing activities
The goals and objectives of marketing activities echo the overall goals and objectives of the enterprise. Marketing activities should contribute to the development of the enterprise in the chosen direction,…
