What name to give the restaurant?
The names of catering establishments are in any case rather difficult to somehow classify, but in the case of restaurants everything is much more complicated. Unlike signs at small points…

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Enterprise strategic planning
Planning marketing activities at the enterprise occupies an important place, because the strategic plans are focused on the long-term development of the company. In the process of planning marketing activities,…

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Characteristics and selection of distribution channels
The distribution channel is a complex of interrelated enterprises whose activities are aimed at organizing the process of commodity-money exchange. In other words, the distribution channel includes a certain number…

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future competitors

How to open your business

1 step. Idea
Every businessman should have an idea, otherwise what business can we talk about? It is not necessary to invent something new and supernatural, you can take an existing idea and find in it the disadvantages that can be improved. It is much easier to launch a product or service on a formed market than to create a new one! Continue reading

How energy audit will save production money
“Saving is the second profit,” says the irrefutable thesis of a market economy. In energy-intensive industries, where the share of energy consumption in the cost of production is five percent…


Typical mistakes novice entrepreneurs
In an interview, Radislav Gandapas (an entrepreneur with 18 years of experience, a well-known business coach) told how he once opened his business. Dear office in a new business center,…


Investment in mutual funds
In order to make informed and informed decisions on the purchase or sale of shares, you need to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, as well as some experience in…
