How energy audit will save production money
“Saving is the second profit,” says the irrefutable thesis of a market economy. In energy-intensive industries, where the share of energy consumption in the cost of production is five percent…

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What is a bank guarantee
A bank guarantee is one of the types of risk insurance in bringing deals. The essence of such insurance is that a bank, an insurance company or another legal entity…

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Individual investor
Fortunately, today the realities are such that many of us are drawn to home baking. If you need a rich income, knead the dough with your soul and your hands.…

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creation of websites in these areas

How to get rid of debt
Sometimes it comes to the banal: I want ice cream (for example, I have a dime in my wallet, my salary is in a few days), because you can wait…


Calculation of cash limit
Calculation of cash limit To calculate the cash balance on hand, the following indicators will be required: Cash receipts for goods sold, services rendered or work performed, or revenue in…


Criteria for an ideal business niche
1. "High Resolution" Here we are talking about your “resolution” in this niche, that is, about your level of understanding, your experience, knowledge. For example, if you enjoy your entire…
