How to get rid of debt
Sometimes it comes to the banal: I want ice cream (for example, I have a dime in my wallet, my salary is in a few days), because you can wait…

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How to implement BI analytics
In order to figure out how to implement a business analyst, you need to understand how to work with it as a whole. BI is software and applications for working…

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What name to give the restaurant?
The names of catering establishments are in any case rather difficult to somehow classify, but in the case of restaurants everything is much more complicated. Unlike signs at small points…

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classification of goods. In a broader sense

Enterprise Cost Analysis
The process of economic activity involves some costs, ie, the costs of the enterprise or the economic value of the resources necessary for the full functioning. The nature of costs…


Cost accounting methods
So, the main methods of accounting for material and intangible costs that are used by Russian companies are: Process method Custom method. Sequential method. Regulatory method. World companies use several…


Famous people who made a hobby their profession
“Do what you like and you never have to work” is a truth that remains outside of time and location. To some, it seems to be unattainable, and someone has…
