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PR technologies and business

Public Relations (PR) – a set of actions for interacting with the public. If we talk about the business environment, it is worth saying that the role of the persons on whom PR methods are directed are: consumers of products, suppliers and business partners, the media (media), Internet communities, potential investors, and in some cases and competitors.
Do not forget that the methods of PR can be directed to both the Russian and foreign public. The success of the PR campaign depends on how well the strategy and tactical actions will be thought out.
Objectives of PR-technologies in business processes
PR-technologies and business The goals of PR-technologies are not difficult to enumerate, if you have a clear idea of ​​the current tasks of the company and the target audience, which will have a psychological impact. However, in order to better define and understand these goals, it would not be superfluous to list the existing PR methods. I will cite as an example for readers of MirSovetov the most popular PR methods among Russian companies.
Method one. Creating the popularity of the company, brand, brand or individual entrepreneur (Publicity). This method is implemented through communication with media representatives in order to further publish notes, articles, press releases and other information and news materials about the company or business owner. This method is usually aimed at a wide audience. In this case, the PR campaign can be considered successful if the company is being discussed in “business circles” or if the actions of the company are actively discussed by consumers. It is necessary to take into account the shade with which the potential audience relates to the company. If the PR team planned to create a positive image, and in return received an image of a slow-moving giant seeking to crush everyone in its path to achieve its own goals, the PR campaign can be considered failed. Popularity is not a sign of quality and cannot say that the company will continue to grow rapidly in the market.
Purpose: creating a positive image of the company as a partner, potential investor, market leader, independent expert, organization, not indifferent to the social problems of society, etc. Having become popular, the company’s management can set such a goal as psychological suppression of competitors, having formed among the companies of one segment there is an opinion that they are powerless in this competitive struggle, which will force them to leave the market.
Method two. Organization of PR-events: exhibitions, product presentations, testing, open days, round tables, training seminars, etc. This method involves communication with the target audience, which causes a high return from this PR method. Those who came to the event should feel at ease. PR-specialists need to organize an atmosphere so that customers can become interested in products or cooperation with the company.
Objective: to gain the trust of the consumer, potential investor, business partner, etc. through personal communication in an informal setting.
Method three. Distribution of various articles, printed materials (including advertising, such as leaflets, booklets, etc.), souvenirs, presentation packages, product samples, etc.
To form a market of potential customers.
Inform the target audience about the services of the company and the benefits of cooperation.
Creating a positive image of the company among the target audience: buyers, investors, etc.
The difference between PR and advertising
PR-technologies and business Speaking about the differences between PR and advertising, you can discuss goals and objectives applicable to these two concepts separately. However, we will not do this, since it is much more informative to describe this distinction briefly.
PR is a set of actions that allow forming public opinion, directing it to the “right direction”. Advertising – carriers that allow to achieve the goals of a PR campaign. PR – strategy, advertising – tactics. PR – management activities, advertising – the competence of the performers.
As an example, let us simulate a situation where it is necessary to “enter” the company engaged in the delivery of bouquets of flowers. Put yourself in the shoes of the owner or PR specialist of this company. So that you can start taking as many orders as possible? For example, you want to create a website with which you can communicate with customers. Creating a site brings you closer to your first goal – the development of popularity. The kind of media through which it will become available to the audience (contextual advertising, search queries, placing banners on other sites) is already a tactical action, therefore, refers to advertising.

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