Enterprise strategic planning
Planning marketing activities at the enterprise occupies an important place, because the strategic plans are focused on the long-term development of the company. In the process of planning marketing activities, we can conditionally distinguish several stages, the first of which is the definition of goals and objectives, and the last is the evaluation of the effectiveness of the activities carried out.
The process of strategic planning of marketing activities
The process of planning marketing activities is presented schematically in Figure 1.
Enterprise strategic planning
Each of the presented stages has its own characteristics, the specifics of which depend on the field of activity of the enterprise.
1. Setting goals and objectives of the company.
At this stage, the goals and objectives are determined, to which all actions and activities of the plan will be directed.
The objectives of marketing activities can be qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative goals reflect the state of an indicator, and quantitative goals are measured in arbitrary units.
The objectives of marketing activities are the continuation of the goals, and their solution contributes to the achievement of the final result.
2. Strategic market analysis.
This stage is characterized by the collection of information about the market environment in which the company operates.
Strategic analysis focused on the following objects:
It is the consumer opinion about the company’s activities that determines its fate. Therefore, it is important to correctly identify existing needs and requirements.
Budgeting projects and activities is an important factor. Therefore, you should carefully evaluate the composition and proportion of each type of costs.
Each step taken by the company encourages competitors to respond. Therefore, the study of the competitive environment helps not only to analyze the market environment, but also to highlight their own competitive advantages, as well as to outline the priorities of business development.
For the implementation of projects and ideas requires some security. Therefore, at the planning stage of a strategy, it is important to assess the compliance of the available resources with the required financial and labor costs.
3. Development of a set of marketing strategies.
On the basis of the data obtained, a conclusion is made about the existing problems of the company’s development and the ways to solve them.
These measures apply to the following company policies:
Product policy – a set of various marketing tools, activities, strategies, tools and methods aimed at setting and achieving the goals of the organization.
Sales policy is a set of measures for the planning and practical implementation of methods for distributing and distributing goods from the places of their production to final customers, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed and implemented tools.
Pricing is a pricing process that ensures the achievement of the following goals: profit maximization; consolidation of positions in the market and penetration into new segments; the creation of the business reputation of the company.
Communication policy – a set of marketing communications aimed at achieving the main goal of the company.
4. Evaluation of the results.
This stage is characterized by an assessment of the effectiveness of the work carried out.
Summing up – a difficult professional task. After all, in order to determine the future development of the overall strategy of the company, it is necessary to analyze the effect obtained from the measures already taken. For this, it is necessary to compare the achieved results with the planned indicators.
The following methods exist for evaluating results:
Quantitative research of opinions of the target audience.
Such a study is carried out at least twice: before the practical application of strategies and after the implementation of all activities.
This method will not give an opportunity to assess the quantitative effect, but it will help to study the public reaction to the distributed communication messages.
The method of expert estimates.
The essence of this tool is reduced to the fact that the effectiveness evaluation is carried out by independent experts.
The dynamics of social behavior.
This method consists in analyzing changes in indicators such as consumer demand, sales, etc.
For an objective assessment of the results, the listed methods should be used in combination with each other.
Strategic planning at the enterprise N is one of the largest producers of tobacco products. This company operates on the market for a long period. During this time, she managed to acquire loyal consumers and gain a foothold in a certain market niche.