Trust management
Where and how to place your money is a very important question for any person who has it. As a rule, only a placement of money can be considered successful,…

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How to calculate the cost of production
The cost in the classical sense refers to the amount of costs incurred by the company for the production (production) and sales (cost of sales) of its products. The sum…

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Cost accounting methods
So, the main methods of accounting for material and intangible costs that are used by Russian companies are: Process method Custom method. Sequential method. Regulatory method. World companies use several…

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The beneficiary is who is this?

In recent years, business and trade relations have been developing rapidly. This leads to the constant emergence of new terms that are used in the business sphere and imply the activities of different individuals. So, recently the word “beneficiary” has become increasingly common, and many probably don’t know what it means.

Often, this term applies to individuals who profit from an organization, but this interpretation is not entirely accurate. Continue reading

Packaging and labeling of goods
Trademarks appeared when it became necessary to separate manufacturers and sellers. Today, they perform the same function, denoting quality standards and features of the functional characteristics of goods manufactured under…


Enterprise Cost Analysis
The process of economic activity involves some costs, ie, the costs of the enterprise or the economic value of the resources necessary for the full functioning. The nature of costs…


Calculation of cash limit
Calculation of cash limit To calculate the cash balance on hand, the following indicators will be required: Cash receipts for goods sold, services rendered or work performed, or revenue in…
