Brand and corporate identity. Where to begin?
A brand implies an association in the head of consumers, symbolizing certain qualities and characteristics of both the product and its manufacturer. Corporate identity is a mixture of images and…

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Business on a laser machine
Production on a laser machine is a craft on which you can build a successful business. What can not be done without at the initial stage and what products are…

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Enterprise Cost Analysis
The process of economic activity involves some costs, ie, the costs of the enterprise or the economic value of the resources necessary for the full functioning. The nature of costs…

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Enterprise Cost Analysis
The process of economic activity involves some costs, ie, the costs of the enterprise or the economic value of the resources necessary for the full functioning. The nature of costs…


Calculation of cash limit
Calculation of cash limit To calculate the cash balance on hand, the following indicators will be required: Cash receipts for goods sold, services rendered or work performed, or revenue in…


What is a bank guarantee
A bank guarantee is one of the types of risk insurance in bringing deals. The essence of such insurance is that a bank, an insurance company or another legal entity…
