Analysis of balance sheet liquidity
The liquidity of the balance is estimated on the basis of form No. 1 of the accounting statements “Balance sheet”.Indicators for analyzing balance sheet liquidity. In order to analyze the…

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Where to find and how to get the most favorable loan
Surely, each of us asked this question at least once in life, because an unforeseen personal or family budget may need the money at any time - for repairs, recreation,…

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Brand and corporate identity. Where to begin?
A brand implies an association in the head of consumers, symbolizing certain qualities and characteristics of both the product and its manufacturer. Corporate identity is a mixture of images and…

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Market Capacity Assessment

Market capacity is an important criterion, showing the state of demand for a particular product. Market capacity can be defined as the total effective consumer demand at a given price level.
Market capacity is real and potential. The actual capacity of the market shows the actual sales volume, and the potential – the maximum with a favorable set of circumstances. Continue reading

Individual investor

Fortunately, today the realities are such that many of us are drawn to home baking. If you need a rich income, knead the dough with your soul and your hands. Get to the market and choose stocks for investment.

For starters, I’ll give you a general recipe based on the best ingredients from Peter Lynch. I hope you will like it and, perhaps, in the future, will push you to become the chef of your financial kitchen. Continue reading

Criteria for an ideal business niche
1. "High Resolution" Here we are talking about your “resolution” in this niche, that is, about your level of understanding, your experience, knowledge. For example, if you enjoy your entire…


Earn on coaching
Director of ALEX FITNESS in Tatarstan - Artem Kurzov came to the sport in his childhood. Since then, he has come a long way from his personal trainer at Planet…


Drawing assortment matrix
One of the features of the development of any competitive market is the reduction of marginal income received from the sale of one unit of product or service. Retail is…
