Famous people who made a hobby their profession
“Do what you like and you never have to work” is a truth that remains outside of time and location. To some, it seems to be unattainable, and someone has…

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Evaluation of the competitiveness of the goods
Every enterprise operating in a competitive environment must have certain advantages in order to achieve its goal. Therefore, each company pays great attention to the goods produced in order to…

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Assortment policy of the enterprise
Since the assortment is a group of goods, before considering its concept, it is necessary to analyze the product classification. All products that make up the market can be divided…

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always defend yourself

How to deal with collectors

Reality and Fiction
If you open forums and blogs of collection companies, you can see tons of material about “reprisals” with debtors. This includes gangster raids, and calls in the middle of the night, and intimidation, moral and sometimes physical pressure. In fact, it is unlikely that things will go beyond phone calls and several face-to-face meetings, without any kind of physical violence. Continue reading

PR technologies and business
Public Relations (PR) - a set of actions for interacting with the public. If we talk about the business environment, it is worth saying that the role of the persons…


What is a bank guarantee
A bank guarantee is one of the types of risk insurance in bringing deals. The essence of such insurance is that a bank, an insurance company or another legal entity…


Characteristics and selection of distribution channels
The distribution channel is a complex of interrelated enterprises whose activities are aimed at organizing the process of commodity-money exchange. In other words, the distribution channel includes a certain number…
