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Advertising activities at the enterprise

The main role of advertising is manifested in the fact that this communication tool is a means to consolidate market positions and develop new niches. However, for the practical implementation of this principle, it is necessary that advertising be part of the company’s overall marketing strategy. Existing separately from marketing programs, advertising does not bring the desired results, leading to losses.
Advertising is impersonal, representing a monologue that provides customers with information about the company’s product offerings. Such a monologue is not only informative. The purpose of advertising is to create a positive impression about the products of the company and its activities in general. Advertising heralds the purchase and a positive effect on sales.
Advertising tells potential consumers about the properties of products that can meet the needs and demands. Associations arising in the client’s subconscious after receiving an advertising appeal should have a beneficial effect in shaping consumer demand for a particular product. That is why modern advertising is the result of the serious work of various specialists: marketers, scriptwriters, designers, artists, psychologists, etc.
Summarizing the above, we can formulate the definition of advertising as a tool of marketing communication, focused on the dissemination of information in any way with the aim of attracting customers to the goods and services of the company.
Advertising objectives
Promotional messages have the following tasks:
Informing about new products.
Creating a positive image of the enterprise.
Dissemination of the benefits of the goods.
Formation in the subconscious of consumers a favorable view of the company.
Attraction of consumer interest to the product.
Creating a unique and easily recognizable brand image.
Psychological preparation of buyers for the purchase of goods.
Creating favorable conditions for the development of new market segments.
Advertising appeals and features of their formulation
Promotional activities in the enterprise In view of solving the above tasks, promotional messages are highlighted, aimed at creating demand and creating a positive image.
The first group of advertising messages is primarily informative. With the help of advertising means, the customer is informed about the technical and functional characteristics of the product and what needs this product can satisfy. Such advertising raises consumer awareness of the market supply, psychologically prepares them for making a purchasing decision, and facilitates the work of sellers. On the other hand, the advertising messages of the first group maintain a stable sales volume, do not allow the already formed demand to fall, fix market positions, develop a sense of commitment to one brand among consumers.
Advertisements of the second group inform the consumer about a particular company, highlighting its superiority over other enterprises. Such appeals create a corporate image and a unique style for the firm, forming prerequisites for a positive opinion about the products produced by this company.
To achieve the goals of advertising there are the following features of the formulation of the advertising appeal:
Informing the consumer about the basic idea of ​​the product offer, which implies the development of a short verbal slogan or laconic slogans that emphasize the compliance of product characteristics with customer needs and preferences.
The use of visual vivid images that provide support for the stated idea with vivid illustrations.
The use of publicly available channels of distribution of advertising messages to reach the entire target audience.
The existence of a logical connection between parts of advertising appeals and the entire aggregate of the advertising campaign as a whole. This principle provides a sequence of actions and following in one direction.
Use in advertising appeals easily remembered sentences and images.
The implementation of advertising appeals does not force buyers to instantly respond to the information received. Advertising only offers a specific solution to satisfy a particular need, giving customers the opportunity to compare it with competing product solutions and make choices on their own. With the help of such unobtrusiveness, the buyer subconsciously gets the necessary motivation to purchase products.
In order to achieve the highest result, advertising must be repeated many times, be spectacular and impressive. The consumer should feel on the part of the enterprise concern for their own interests and trust the company.
Types of advertising
Depending on the goals set for the company, management decides on the use of a particular type of advertising, each of which has specific features and performs different functions.

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