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Enterprise Opportunity Analysis

The information obtained in the course of factorial market research shows what problems exist in the activities of the company, and allows us to formulate proposals for their solution. However, for the implementation of such proposals requires some basis. That is why the final stage of the strategic analysis of the market is to analyze the capabilities of the company for the effective implementation of planned activities.
The capabilities of the company are manifested in the possession of the company by those or other resources necessary for the practical application of tools aimed at improving the overall result of the company.
The capabilities of the company can be divided into the following groups:
Production capabilities, i.e. availability of the necessary machinery and equipment for the production of products.
Material resources, i.e. availability of the raw materials and materials needed for processing into the finished product.
Financial resources, that is, the financial base for the production and sales of products.
Labor resources, i.e. availability of qualified personnel.
Other resources, i.e. other resources that may be needed in the process of implementing a marketing proposal.
The process of analyzing the capabilities of the enterprise can be divided into several stages:
Identification of resources.
Evaluation of opportunities.
Planning results.
For a more detailed study of each stage, let us evaluate the capabilities of the firm “B” for the implementation of a specific proposal.
Firm “B” is a retail store specializing in the sale of women’s shoes. To obtain an additional competitive advantage, B has decided to expand the range of men’s shoes. Table 1 shows the quantitative assessment of the need for item positions of the new product group.

The process of a strategic analysis of the capabilities of this enterprise for the practical application of this proposal is given below.

Analysis of enterprise capabilities1. Identification of resources.
Within this stage it is necessary to allocate the resources necessary for the implementation of the marketing proposal.
To expand the product range of the new product group “Men’s Shoes” company “B” will need the following resources:
Inventories, i.e. the organization of deliveries of various modifications of shoes offered to consumers.
Financial resources, i.e. monetary valuation of the value of the nomenclature positions of the new product group.
Manpower, i.e., personnel engaged in the supply and sale of a new product group.
Information resources, i.e., means of notifying potential customers about the appearance of a new product group in the store.
Each of the allocated resources requires a certain investment, which leads to the transition to the next stage of the analysis of the capabilities of the company.
2. Assessment of opportunities.
At this stage, it is proposed to evaluate the capabilities of the company to provide the basis for the implementation of the marketing proposal. An assessment of the capabilities of the enterprise should be carried out in comparison with the existing need for those or other resources.
Firm “B” has five regular suppliers, three of whom have the opportunity to supply men’s shoes with the necessary nomenclature positions. After analyzing the prices of goods, two suppliers were selected for the supply of men’s shoes and the financial resources necessary for filling the assortment with new items were formulated (Table 2).

Thus, the firm “B” need 341 000 rubles to buy the right amount of goods.
In order to assess the solvency of the company, it is necessary to examine the state of its current account in conjunction with short-term debt obligations.
From table 3 it can be seen that 560,000 rubles is needed by firm “B” in order to settle its debts. After paying off the debt on the current account, 240,000 rubles will remain, and these funds are not enough to pay for the delivery of the entire consignment of goods immediately.
Based on the above, we can offer two solutions to the problem:
Buying goods in debt.
Reduction of quantitative demand for nomenclature positions.
We evaluate each option.

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