What is a bank guarantee
A bank guarantee is one of the types of risk insurance in bringing deals. The essence of such insurance is that a bank, an insurance company or another legal entity…

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Enterprise Opportunity Analysis
The information obtained in the course of factorial market research shows what problems exist in the activities of the company, and allows us to formulate proposals for their solution. However,…

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How to open your business
1 step. Idea Every businessman should have an idea, otherwise what business can we talk about? It is not necessary to invent something new and supernatural, you can take an…

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Criteria for an ideal business niche

1. “High Resolution”
Here we are talking about your “resolution” in this niche, that is, about your level of understanding, your experience, knowledge. For example, if you enjoy your entire adult life with paragliding, parachuting and other air-extreme things, then it is clear that your permission in this area is great, simply speaking, you are “in the subject.” Accordingly, it will be much easier for you to open an online store of paragliders, rather than an online store of dry mixes for baking.

2. “the suffering crowd”
People need your goods. They want to buy it. In Yandex statistics  there are a lot of queries on this topic, they are looking for and asking for goods. It’s very difficult to sell what people don’t know yet. It is possible, but difficult, and it is better not to make such a product the basis of your first business. It is worth trying to create a market for something new, only already having a fair amount of business experience and considerable investments.

3. Large average check
You can sell 200 sachets of seeds for 20 rubles each and earn your pennies from it, or you can sell one snowmobile and earn a lot at once. Most importantly, the amount of effort you spend will be about the same (or even more in the case of seeds), but the financial output is fundamentally different. If there is a possibility to choose from several areas, it is better to choose the one in which the margin from one purchase will be higher.

4. There are regular customers
The amount of money and effort spent on finding a new customer is many times greater than the money and effort that is needed to re-sell it. That is why the niche where purchases are made regularly (cosmetics, clothes, books) is much nicer than niches of disposable or rare purchases (for example, wedding dresses or custom-made kitchens). Also, niches with a so-called “subscription fee” (for example, IT outsourcing) are very successful.

5. Short transaction cycle
For the first business it is worth choosing niches with a short cycle of the transaction in which you will receive a profit in a time less than or equal to 21 days. Otherwise, you risk “blown away” and sit on the financial bank long before receiving the first money.

6. Extensive geography
“It’s easy for you, Muscovites, – but how do I make money in a small town?” – often ask residents of provincial cities. To which the answer can be only one: and who prevents you from selling throughout Russia or Ukraine? Choose a suitable product that is convenient and profitable to deliver to other cities that do not rot, do not take up much space (like toilet paper, for example) and are highly marketable – and go for it. The Internet knows no boundaries.

7. No season reference
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden costumes, designer felt boots, flowered rubber boots are all wonderful businesses, but you need to be well aware that you will only make money in the winter. In the summer you will have to either look for something else, or put your teeth on the shelf. Accordingly, the best niche is one with no seasonal recessions.

How to calculate the cost of production
The cost in the classical sense refers to the amount of costs incurred by the company for the production (production) and sales (cost of sales) of its products. The sum…


Characteristics and selection of distribution channels
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Goals and objectives of marketing activities
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