How energy audit will save production money
“Saving is the second profit,” says the irrefutable thesis of a market economy. In energy-intensive industries, where the share of energy consumption in the cost of production is five percent…

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Cost accounting methods
So, the main methods of accounting for material and intangible costs that are used by Russian companies are: Process method Custom method. Sequential method. Regulatory method. World companies use several…

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PR technologies and business
Public Relations (PR) - a set of actions for interacting with the public. If we talk about the business environment, it is worth saying that the role of the persons…

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ratio between

Analysis of balance sheet liquidity
The liquidity of the balance is estimated on the basis of form No. 1 of the accounting statements “Balance sheet”.Indicators for analyzing balance sheet liquidity. In order to analyze the…


How to open your business
1 step. Idea Every businessman should have an idea, otherwise what business can we talk about? It is not necessary to invent something new and supernatural, you can take an…


Consumer and Needs Research
All activities of the organization are primarily aimed at meeting the needs of the target audience. The purchasers of an enterprise can be individuals and families, as well as other…
