Logistic features of sales organization
From a marketing point of view, logistics is a system of interrelated functions, the performance of which makes the process of distribution of goods the most optimal. The essence of…

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How to choose an idea for a home business
Have their own, albeit small, but stable business many dream. Working for hire, we always depend on the mood of our bosses, on financial and legal factors affecting the activities…

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Logistic features of sales organization
From a marketing point of view, logistics is a system of interrelated functions, the performance of which makes the process of distribution of goods the most optimal. The essence of…

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consumer assessment of each product

Evaluation of the competitiveness of the goods

Every enterprise operating in a competitive environment must have certain advantages in order to achieve its goal. Therefore, each company pays great attention to the goods produced in order to create the most attractive commercial offer, the realization of which will bring the greatest profit.
The essence of the competitiveness of the goods Continue reading

Market Capacity Assessment
Market capacity is an important criterion, showing the state of demand for a particular product. Market capacity can be defined as the total effective consumer demand at a given price…


Analysis of balance sheet liquidity
The liquidity of the balance is estimated on the basis of form No. 1 of the accounting statements “Balance sheet”.Indicators for analyzing balance sheet liquidity. In order to analyze the…


Investment in mutual funds
In order to make informed and informed decisions on the purchase or sale of shares, you need to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, as well as some experience in…
